Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

a tiring saturday..

hey hey hey guuys!

finally we meet again today!

you know what? tonight is a very tiring day and busy of course.. first, i went to my friend: DAMBA's birthday party at the teebox cafe. you know? it was very full of people! she invited her friends and also her mom's friends.. hmm... it was really nice and i was satisfied.. thank you dambaaa! and sorry i didn't give you any presents. but i will give you on monday.

once again..


the story hasn't finished yet.. after that, i went home just for take a shower and went to the girl's dormitory. huh.. i thought there will be lot of my friends.. but finally i just met 2 of them! they're silmi and putri.. and we had dinner at turkish family's house.. it was not really nice because the lamp was blackn out..

okay guys! it's midnight already.. must go to sleep! byee :D

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

happy birthday to my brotha!


HIP HIP hurray!
HIP HIP hurray!
HIP HIP hurray!

today is a very wonderful day for my dearest brotha because today, his age is not 11 anymore. but it's 12 already!! :D

thank GOD for all your bless and love to my family especially my bro and for one more year you add to brother's life. thanks for the healthiness and happiness to him.

and once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my brotha. i will always love you and care for you. i will always wish aaalll the BEST for you and may JESUS always bless you.

love you bro!

your sista :*

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

it's a tiring week


i loove to meet you again!

after one week and at friday, we finally meet again..

okay! why is the title "tiring"? it's because.. there are many incident in this week that make me very tired. inner and outer of my body...


i got almost all of my mid term's score this week. they were not really bad, but there are still many people that got better score than mine. yaah.. what i've learnt is what i got. so, what i can do is only say thank you to my GOD and keep on learning to got a much better score. because i'm sure i can do more than this..

it was not finish yet.

my soul and my mind also very tired because there were many incident that happend this week and make me remember again and again about my tramumatic and i hate that!

i also very busy this week. there are lots of things to do. too much to do i think.. i even often sleep in my car! hmm.. i really need to take a rest from those exhausted activities..

i really really need this

and this

also this

and absolutely this

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

soap opera


hello again! i'm sorry last week i wasn't post something to you because of the MID term! and the very very very good news is.. IT'S OVER NOW! hahaha. :D

and these are the pictures of the 'interesting' exam card

okay. let's talk about the story: 

i have many parts of emotion today. it's like a soap opera. and these are the stories..

PART #1:

this morning i was very lazy, but also excited, but also a little bit nervous. why?? because today, is the final day of MID term!! hahaha. after me and all of my friends finished our exam, we screamed out loud and put our signature on the blackboard and our cards. we were veerryy haappyy! :D

after that, me and silmi went to dewi's house. we laughed together and were having fun! we watched Alam's video clip on youtube and that was very funny. 


but while we were watching wingkobabatz's video, suddenly all of the things in dewi's room shaked and we realized that it was an earthquake! waa! i was very afraid.  aaaa...


after cooling down our emotion and after dewi and silmi pray, we went to quadrant. but before that, we put silmi to her house. in quadrant there was an emotional incident! dewi and i was crying and our friends in the class were afraid. but we were okay men! i was crying because my bad memories that has already been buried deep deep down in my heart, raised up again and it made me cry! and dewi? because of our telepathic emotion, she also cried.. >_<

that's all! like in the soap opera right? hahaha. 

see you in the next post guys! :D

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday all!

thank you to my Lord Jesus for give us a beautiful day.. pokoknya, this is the day that the Lord has made and let us rejoice and be glad in it! :D

JBU all

this week's post

hey guys!

i want to tell you something: because now i'm a ninth grade already, so i'm not allowed to online everyday except for friday and saturday. so, maybe i will tell you my story during my whole day on friday and maybe some additional on saturday. anyways.. enjoy!

Monday: aah.. everybody say: "i hate monday" and so do i. but, actually this week's monday was quite special. because, it's the first day of school after the fasting and idul fitri holiday. but i wasn't really excited. okay. let's skip this part.. i was shocked when i arrived at class. why? because the arrangement of the chairs and tables were different. it's shaped letter U. it's interesting.. but you know what?

sehari sebelum forklor di margo..

anak forklor lagi pada latian di aula, tau tau digusur sama anak SD. jadilah kita nyari kelas kosong. dan GOTCHA! dapetlah kita ruang 9. (ruang yg sekarang jadi kelasnya 9a). karena tempatnya rada ga cukup, jadilah kita mengatur ulang meja dan kursi menjadi letter U. dan setelah kita latihan, bu Mega udah nyuruh CS sekolah buat ngatur ulang mejanya. dan nyatanya apa? sampe kita masuk dari liburan panjang, meja dan kursinya tetap seperti itu. padahal kita ninggalin mejanya dalam keadaan begitu dari sebelum lebaran!

so, the conclusion is.. CS di sekolah kaga kerja! ckckck

the story didn't finish until that. in quadrant (place where i take lesson course) we were talking about a plan to hanging out together instead of studying! ckckck. we planned to watch the cinema together. and there was a little debate about the film..

dewi: kak.. jadi ga?

kak debby: ayo aja. tapi nonton aja yuk!

dewi: ayok! nonton apa?

kak debby: kakak sih terserah kalian aja.

dewi: yaah.. aku males kak mikirinnya..

kak debby: nonton G-Force aja. kayaknya lucu tuh..

dewi: ayo! ayo!

michael: iya iya. aku ngeliat trailernya keren banget

kak debby (ngangguk ngangguk ke michael)

dewi: sama kelasnya bunga atau kelas kita aja nih?

gue: kelas kita aja.. udah bilangin aja sana. mumpung lagi pada ngumpul

dewi: (ke semua) eh semua mau nonton ga?

seseorang (gue lupa siapa): boleh. kapan? nonton apa?

dewi: terserah. tapi gue maunya sih G-force

fathur: yaah.. nonton phobia 2 aja!

gue: widiih.. serem ah!

dewi: ga mau! itu kan pasti serem!

(sementara gue dan dewi sibuk komplain soal phobia 2, fathur malah sibuk nerangin trailernya

phobia 2 ke deden dan michael)

singkat cerita, setelah perdebatan yang cukup lama dan alot, dilakukanlah voting..

dewi: yaudah deh kita voting aja! pokoknya yang suaranya paling banyak, menang.

kak debby: yaudah. pilihan filmnya: g-force, final destination, sama phobia 2.

dewi: iya

kak debby: dewi, tapi bener ya, yg menang yg suaranya paling banyak

dewi: iya!

kak debby: oke. siapa yang pilih final destination? (tidak ada yg tunjuk tangan)

kak debby: siapa yg phobia 2? (fathur pertama kali tunjuk tangan, lalu kak debby, deden, dan yg terakhir (setelah pertimbangan yg cukup lama) gue)

setelah melihat hasilnya, jelas saja dewi sangat kecewa. soalnya dia yg paling ga setuju nonton phobia 2. dia langsung nanya ke gue

dewi: kok lo gitu sih??

gue: sorry.. soalnya kalo g-force gue udah nonton..

dewi: haaah! haah! (teriak teriak) yaudah. tapi paling gue ga nonton sampe abis. ditengah tengah film gue keluar.

fathur: (orang yg paling bahagia dengan hasil voting) yes! yes! akhirnya jadi juga nonton phobia 2..

gue: tapi itu harus nonton di blitz lhoo..

kak debby: yaudah di GI aja. tinggal naik busway

gue: yaudah. tapi kapan? soalnya kalo minggu minggu ini kita kan udah mau uts.

deden: iya. kalo minggu minggu ini gue ga bakal dibolehin sama orangtua. lagian gue juga lagi kere

gue: iya. gue juga lagi boke'

dewi: gue sih masih ada sisa THR

michael: iya gue juga pasti ga dibolehin

kak debby: iya sih.. kalian mau pada UTS.. tapi kakak juga mau UTS tanggal.. (gue lupa)

gue: yaudah nunggu pada selesai UTS aja.

michael: tapi kalo kayak gitu apa ga kelamaan? kalo gitu mah berarti kita harus nyari film cadangan dong

gue: iya bener. masalahnya phobia 2 udah gue liat ada di blitz tuh dari minggu lalu

fathur: nah lo!

deden: yaudah nanti biar gue deh yg ngeliatin jadwal filmnya

akhirnya kita tukeran nomor handphone dan sepakat nunggu sampe selesai UTS. kita juga bagi bagi tugas. yg ngeliatin jadwal filmnya deden, trus dia ngasi tau gue, trus gue ngasi tau dewi, trus dewi ngasi tau ka debby, trus ka debby ngasi tau fathur, dan fathur ngasi tau michael..

Tuesday: the food in dining room on tuesday was so bad.. and they gave us a very little portion of food. and it maked my brother sick at night..

Wednesday: argh! it's a very bad and wild day.. guess what? the food in dining room was bad and i really didn't like it. my brother also entered to the hospital at night.. that was the bad part. the wild part was in Turkish lesson..

pelajaran Turki (pelajaran terakhir)

berhubung pelajaran terakhir, kita semua sekelas udah pada capek, ngantuk, dan bosen. apalagi pelajarannya pelajaran turki! tambah bosen aja dah.. nah, sebenernya tuh awal permasalahnnya bukan karena itu. tapi karena si ucup (guru turki kita) ngelarang2 anak cewe buat solat. tambah sebel aja kan kita? akhirnya pas kita ngajar, kita bikin kegaduhan besar! karena udah ga tahan sama sikap kita, akhirnya si ucup ngambek dan nyuruh wali kelas kita (bu mega) buat ngatur ulang meja dan kursi di kelas kita jadi kayak kelas lain. argh! kalo kaya gitu gimana temen2 gue solat? dasar nyebelin! grr.
when i went home, i went to bunga's house with nadya, yunita, and we took some photos!
Thursday: the arrangement of chairs and tables on thursday were back to normal.. i didn't like it! but taking a picture is a must!
so, we were free in the first and second lesson. so, we watched "life is beautiful" with mr.martin. it was a happy, sad, touching, and silly film. it was about a family that was caught by NAZI. there were father, mother, and a son. when they were caught, the man and woman were seperated. so, they were seperated and miss each other. but, the father always tried to look happy though he was very suffered by NAZI. (what a great father). but, at the end, the father was killed and fortunately the son safed and he can met his mother again. :D
Friday: it was BATIK's DAY! so, some of 9A's students were wearing batik as a support for Indonesia. actually, our school didn't ask us to do that, but we broke the rule! hahaha. it was nice and fortunately the teachers didn't mad at us.. :D
in quadrant, i have a math teacher that have many interesting experiences! when he was in college, he helped his friend from 12 bandits and he could kill 4 of them! WOW! and he joined a KDI audition. though he wasn't accepted, i think it's a very cool experience.. 

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

make over


finally i can make over my blog! can you imagine that? with some help from my friend silmi and i can do it! hmm.. i think this blog isn't as good as silmi's.. but it's better than the previous one. i love it! :)